Kerry Pilates & Stretching

Kerry Pilates & Stretching

I’m Elena, Pilates coach with previous experience in choreographic, gymnastic, dance, fitness, stretching, yoga and body wellness. In my Pilates training, I have collected the best and most effective exercises for any level and age of participants. My Pilates classes contain classic Pilates movements and techniques, stretching, exercises for “stretching” the spine, breathing exercises and self body massage.

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Mat Pilates

Pilates at its purest, using the strength of the client to do exercises for the whole    body workout. We use small equipment like balls and blocks as additional tools for balance and to keep class  interesting and more productive. Combination with stretching exersices gives the additional stretch for your joints. Pilates seems to be an easy training, but it is still a strength training aimed at strengthening the muscular frame.

Pilates suitable for:

• People of any age and gender

• People with any level of training

• People leading a sedentary lifestyle

• Anyone who wants to strengthen or restore the spine and back

• People undergoing rehabilitation after injuries

• Anyone who wants to improve their health and acquire vitality and beauty of the body

Please feel free to join our classes and bring your mat with you.

Our classes are fun and pleasant workout.


Elevate is here to help trainers, therapists & wellness professionals take their business to the next level by giving them flexible access to facilities, support and a growing community.

Our Event Space currently has a number of professionals doing classes such as Pilates, Qi Gong, Pregnancy Yoga and Positive Ageing Exercise Classes.

Professionals currently using our Treatment Rooms include a Reflexologist, a Massage Therapist and a Physiotherapist.

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Our Location

The Centre for Smart Ageing is situated in the centre of Kerry. We picked this location due to the incredible access to public transport. We are within walking distance of an Airport, Train Station, and a Bus Stop.